Your roommate’s girlfriend doesn’t just come over sometimes—she’s there *all the time*, taking over the whole apartment. The big shocker comes when you realize this. Dec 21, 2023 · recently, we asked the buzzfeed community to share their worst roommate horror stories, and they 100% delivered. Here are the ones you'll be thinking about later. and. “my current roommate never has her money on time, refuses to put my.
Aug 12, 2019 · these 10 anonymous, real life roommate horror stories will make you feel grateful for your awesome roommate… or make you feel like you’re not alone living through your own. Oct 27, 2020 · “my nightmare roommate situation was during an exchange semester in copenhagen. We've all lived with crummy roommates, but these tales of woe, doom, and theft are truly a nightmare. We all have roommate horror stories—tales of deadbeats, grifters, unrepentant.
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