Christopher F. Lima: The Truth Finally Revealed

Christopher F. Lima: The Truth Finally Revealed

Eighth grade sam wrote a paper about his family killing a werewolf the previous summer. Dean told the same story to gordon in season two's bloodlust (2006). This episode is dedicated to. The episode closed with two “in memoriam” notices appended to the end credits: One for christopher f.

Eighth grade sam wrote a paper about his family killing a werewolf the previous summer. Dean told the same story to gordon in season two's bloodlust (2006). This episode is dedicated to. The episode closed with two “in memoriam” notices appended to the end credits: One for christopher f.

I wasn’t familiar with their names from the show’s. The show ended with an in memory to christopher f. Lima (rigging electrician) and tim loock (online editor).

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the truth is finally revealed by psitaccus on Newgrounds
Eduardo F. Lima – Medium
Christopher Lima Trinity County Sheriff Deputy